Busy summer!
After visiting family in France, Stella Taís and family attended the Tällberg Forum in Dalarna (more on that another time, perhaps). To escape the Swedish heat, we made a quick about-turn and returned to the cool south. Here are some of the highlights...
Making friends with Chinese Nikolai (3.5 yrs) and Victor (5 yrs), at their summer-home outside Lyon...

...and their French mother and grand-mother, and Danish dad...
Monique, Victor, Nikolai, Christian, Véronique, Jean-Do
Véro was the one who introduced JD & K in Hong Kong, sometime last millenium

Developing a first appreciation for the joys of literature...

Meeting 1-month-old Gabriel and his ecstatically happy mom, Rosana...

Travelling in style and comfort aboard planes, trains and automobiles...

historic sites in La Meuse. Here an American WWI memorial with amazing views...

JD and ST with Mamie Annick and JD's cousins Antoine and Miled

Many memorable moments with family...

Cousin Eliette, Papi, ST, grand-uncle Jean-Luc and Marie

With Belgian cousin Tabata
Enjoying French cuisine with help of cusine Louane
They say it is never too early to develop a healthy taste for consumerism!
(Or rather, for healthy consumerism?
Ecological fair-trade products are the family's first choice.)
And now for the
One of her first crawls (this one on July 18th)... Aimed at worthy objectives...

A sweaty affair? (Actually not, just a bit dribbly.)

Last but not least, Stellinha produced four new shiny bright white SHARP teeth. Here the top two were just "erupting" on August 1st...

And here the full glory - as seen today!
(Tacata/yupala sponsored by the Nicaraguans)