Thursday, May 15, 2008

Stella has been busy!!

Our Stellinha has been up to all kinds of adventures these her first months...
Here are a few moments caught on and off film:

First TV interview. For Belgian TV RTL, programme "Coûte que coûte" (Feb 3rd)

First passport photo shoot (Feb 28th) in preparation for her first trip, to France...

Facing the camera is not always an easy job...

...but we all managed! Here, the photo used in her first passport (Finnish!!)

First Rugiero family reunion (Novéant, Metz, France, March 23rd)

First meeting of the Super 8 cousins...

(from left to right:
Enzo, Jullien, Eliette, tata Myriam, Chazz,
Mila, Tabata, Louane, and the Swedish newcomer)

First snow (March 24th), viewed during her second flight, returning from France to Göteborg...

First TV watching (documentary about Winston Churchill, March 29th)

First impression of TV:

First chair sitting, at Språkcafeet (April 8th). Grandpa's idea!

First surf - much appreciated! (April 10th)

First tutu (sent from Florida by Kaija täti and Harri setä)

Actually the tutu is a swimsuit, and served well for Stella's...

...First swimming lesson!! (April 30th)

(Some babies are more plastic than others...)

The first tooth surprised some of us by appearing on May 3rd

Thank you to Bosse and Maj-Lis
for lending your hands
for much needed tooth-sharpening...

And the second followed quickly, popping through on May 11th

...Just in time for her first mother & grandmother's day!!!

And the first porridge will be tasted in a few days, when Stella turns Four Months!

Hugs to all and advice from the wise:
hold on to what is precious - with the gentlest of grips.


Los Zapatas said...

Aha, and a first blog update. Not bad! But, we ask, has the stellar Stella seen a humming bird yet?

(what, if it is a competition? Of COURSE not!)


kaa et jeando said...

Humming birds are magnificent, but they can wait... What Stella, Jean-Do and Kaa really miss is seeing you three, our favourite Managueses!!!

Besos tillbacka

Los Zapatas said...

Great photos, we want more!

gal said...

WOW! She is amazing and beautiful send more pictures.
Miss you,

Anonymous said...

Adorei a foto do passaporte!

Tia Cris