Our "Good News" was born Friday January 18, 2008, at 10:21 a.m., at Mölndal Hospital in Gothenburg. Long-legged lady, with pianist/ weaver fingers, samba-dancing/footballer feet and, of course, most promising soprano lungs!
We will not write much now, but instead let the photos do the talking.
And no, she does not have her official name yet, but we will keep you posted...
Lots of love and thanks to all the family and friends for your thoughts and messages and so much love!
Kaarina, Jean-Do, and Good News

GN and Jean-Do, together with Mia, the second midwife - the one which helped finish the delivery in style! (Kaa is holding the camera)

... and my Daddy has changed my first diaper...
... and of course after I have been eating some more to gather strength...

... since Daddy is not eatable - I really tried...
... until my Isoäiti (Finnish for "grand mother") comes and a new photo party begins...

... oh... and let me please introduce to you my first friend ... it was love at first sight...
"Copain le Robinet" (Friend-the-washing-machine-tap")

This is it for Good News for now!
As of January 28th, I am well, eat well, sleep well although not enough to allow my parents to not be tired, although I heard them say that I am soooooo cute and I do follow routines already quite well - sometimes.
Kisses to all!
GN is SOOOOO gorgeous! We want to meet her again!!!!
By the way, JD, can you explain why you were naked during the delivery? It seems that it was you the one giving birth since Kaarina was looking beautiful!!! Stor kram från dinna grannar från Ukrania!
The birth took so long I ran out of clean clothes... ;-) I also wanted GN on my skin asap!! :-)
Hey congrats to all, what a cutie! Welcome to the parents, sleepless but laughfull world! andres
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