Many of you have (sensibly) asked whether "Good News" might eventually get a more lady-like name...
Well now at last the mystery will be unveiled!
"Le doudou" is the French fluffy secret to contentedly sleeping babies.
As you can see, sometimes it works!)

Stella Taís Rugiero-Dubee is the name we will be declaring to Skatteverket (the Swedish tax office) as soon as we get organized... (Since they are also asking!)
The name Stella (Latin and Italian for "star") came to us in a dream early in the pregnancy, and in the end we both felt it fit well. After all, she (as all of us) originated in stellar beginnings, so with this name our little family celebrates the beauty, power and miracle of Life and the Universe!
Taís is her second name, and derives from theaomai (classical Greek), a verb used to denote "astonished or attentive seeing"... So very Stella from her very first minutes! We use the Brazilian spelling and pronunciation (TAY-iss) to honour the life-loving spirit we see in her already!
The announcement of our little one's name was done in the presence of her French, Finnish, Italian and Canadian grand-parents, last week, when they were all in Göteborg. We also enjoyed the bonus visit of Tata (aunty) Muriel, who was in town to produce a report on Swedish-style environmental living for her weekly prime-time programme on Belgian tv. Guess who is starring? Environmentally committed typical locals Jean-Do and Stella!!
Here we are enjoying the naming celebration lunch, while Stella and her doudou enjoy their beauty sleep.
And here is Stella's first princesstårta...
(The Princesstårta is Sweden's traditional birthday cake, for princesses, princes, queens and kings alike... Made of sugarcake, vanilla cream, jam, marzipan and lots of whipped cream!)
Isoäiti Tupu and Tata Muriel take turns holding Stella in one of Kaarina's older party dresses... Still in style!
Belgian 8-month-old Tabata sent a suitcase full of her favourite outfits, so that her newest cousin can start out in continental style! Muriel snuck in some beer and chocolate for the parents...
And last but not least, the grand-parents and their (by this point) seriously sleepy grand-child...
Looking forward to seeing you in the very near future! Hugs and smiles from us!
p.s.: the star photos above are borrowed from NASA via:
and - "Star birth clouds in M16"
This young lady is SOOOOOOO international from the very beginning... that she might never dare to abandone her original Göteborg ;) Don´t forget Stella that you also have your Spanish ´tía´(aunt) María José (despite we live in Ucrania, and that might result in some kind of confussion...). Congratulations to Stella and all the family from Erik, Patrik and María José
Thanks guys!!!!!
Take care!!!!
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